Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ballyvolane House

We had the pleasure of staying at The Ballyvolane House when we were in Ireland last summer, and it's served as a constant source of inspiration ever since.

The catalogue-ready Green Family runs the house with a blend of casual friendliness and classic formality (and they make it all seem so effortless).  The interior design echos this ethos perfectly -- especially the living room. It's the platonic ideal of a country house living room, though these photos don't do it justice

The newest addition to the Green family was this adorable terrier puppy named Dumpling.  Dumpling is extremely friendly, and here we captured what seemed to be her first encounter with a cow.

As is the tradition, all the guests eat dinner at the same table, and the food is incredible.  It gives new meaning to the term "locally sourced."  There is a giant and perfectly organized walled garden (tirelessly tended to by proprietress Jenny Green's father) where everything comes from.  Oh, and as evidenced by the photo above, there is a large cow pasture right across the road.  

Breakfast includes an amazing array of house-stewed fruit.  It served as inspiration for this bowl of stewed fruit Jon put together for New Years Day.  Andy is extremely proud of this photo.

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